Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Blood Car is Days Away

My name is Mike Brune and I play Archie Andrews in the film Blood Car, an HD feature to be filmed in Atlanta, GA starting on December 8, 2005. In the first draft of the script, or maybe it was just in my imagination, my character's name was Archie Ali. I liked that last name better and, if I ever have the chance in the film to say my middle name, it will be Ali. However, I fear 'Ali' will have to be buried for now and exhumed at a later date.

I play a vegan Elementary School Teacher, of which I am neither.

The crew is composed of just about everyone I went to film school with, so it's a young crew, if being in your mid-twenties is young. I think it is. I went on a photo shoot today to have pictures taken of Archie doing good deeds. One destination was the Red Cross, where I donated blood. During my donation, I asked if I could take a photo with the woman taking my blood. Let's call her Shamika. She seemed taken off guard but agreed. Then I explained we might use the picture in a 'student film' I was making, which is an equivocation(I promised myself I would use that word in a sentence.), but sometimes an effective one. Once the word 'sign' and 'release' were uttered, she deferred to the supervisor and the photographer, Molly, and I were given an apologetic no.

Then I asked if we could take a picture of Shamika and myself and "not use it my student film", but that didn't work either. At this point, I wanted to stop giving blood.

As you might guess, I didn't and, now that I think of it, I forgot to pick out a free t-shirt which I would probably never wear.

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